27 February 2008

To The King

Dear Burger King,

Using two bratty teens in burger costumes who make fun of healthier alternatives like Subway is not a good way to sell your product.

A girl who eats at Subway and Wendy's.

22 February 2008

Thin Myths, Part 2

Myth: Thin People Drink Water

I drink hot chocolate. A lot of hot chocolate. It's the super-sweet Mexican kind, and I make it with whole milk. It comes out to about 375 calories per mug. I also drink Glaceau Vitamin Water (125 calories per bottle, about one bottle every other day) and Juicy Juice (120 calories per cup, about one cup every week), but my primary drink is hot chocolate, and I drink about two mugs of it every day.

Should I drink more water? Probably. Will I? Nah. Plain water isn't satisfying for me. I want something with flavor. I want something that will make my stomach feel happy for more than ten minutes. Water doesn't do that.

I also don't like drinks with artificial sugars. Aspartame is bad for the body and counteracts the medication I take, and most artificial sugars leave a bitter, acidic aftertaste in my mouth. Yes, even Splenda.

Staying hydrated is good. But you don't need to drink plain water to do it. I'm not going to eat or drink things I don't like if I can get the same benefits from things I *do* like.

Time for more cocoa.

19 February 2008

Confession #2

I slip.

That Western Burger with hash browns and mozzarella sticks at Denny's last night to celebrate my sister's safe return to New England? Totally a slip. Easily three times more than I should have eaten in one sitting.

Burgers are my nemesis. I love them, but they tend to make me sick, and portion control goes against logic (and structural integrity). Because of this, I don't have them very often.

Mozzarella sticks, though? Gifts from the gods.

18 February 2008

Confession #1

I haven't always been this thin.

Seven years ago I weighed 160 pounds and wore size 10-12 jeans. I bought XL t-shirts and sweatshirts so I could hide my body. I hated the way I looked.

I got depressed. Very depressed. I barely ate for six months. One day I stepped on the scale and the needle stopped at 130 pounds. I'd lost 30 pounds by accident. Go ahead, hate me. It's okay this time.

My weight has fluctuated since then. I've weighed anywhere from 125 to 145 and worn anything from a size 6 to a size 9. With the exception of a few months after I started a new job (and forgot that regular activity raises metabolism), I've been stable at 130 pounds for about two years.

Maintaining this weight is something I do consciously. I watch what I eat and make sure I'm not taking in more calories than I burn. I'm not like this naturally. If I eat too much, I gain weight, just like everybody else.

The way I got to this weight was not healthy. The way I stay at it is.

16 February 2008

Don't Be Hatin'

"You see them. Your rail-thin coworker who seems to live on pizza and never exercises. The skinny sibling whose best friends are Ben & Jerry. The svelte buddy who never met a second helping he didn't like. We hate these people."

(Brian Good, May &June 2006, AARP Magazine)

Thanks, Brian. We hate you, too.

Obesity has been called an epidemic. The National Center for Health Statistics 2003-2004 data indicates that approximately 32 percent of adults in the United States are obese. Add people who are overweight, and the total jumps to 66 percent.

Let me say that again.

Two-thirds of the adults in the United States are overweight or obese.

I guess it's no wonder thin people are hated. We're the healthy minority; the ones with self-control and/or the right genes to keep us at healthy weights. Don't blame genetics too much, though. Even Brian Good admits that DNA is only part of the cause of obesity. He says, "it turns out that lifelong-lean people just have better control over what they put in their mouths."


Ditch the snarky comments, stop asking me if I want more to eat, and turn your hatred into motivation to improve your health.

And Brian? Shut up.

14 February 2008

Thin Myths, Part 1

There must be a secret to staying thin. If it were just common sense, everyone would "get it" and everyone would be thin. Everyone isn't thin, so that means there's a secret. Tell me the secret so I can be thin!

This is the logic that sells diet books. The book I discovered yesterday is especially appealing to the "normal" person because it not only covers one secret per chapter, it's very title is one of the secrets: Thin People Don't Clean Their Plates by Jill Fleming. Some of the chapter headings are included in the book's description, and nearly every one made me roll my eyes.

Today we'll tackle the title secret: thin people don't clean their plates.

If I didn't clean my plate, I'd have to sit at the table until my mother decided it was time for me to either do chores or go to bed. It's tough to shake seventeen years of that kind of training... so I haven't tried. I clean my plate. I may clean some of it into a doggie bag when I eat out, but for the most part I will eat everything on my plate.

The trouble with telling "normal" people that thin people always leave food on their plates is that... we don't. So when someone hears that we do, and then sees me licking everything but the pattern off the china, they get upset. She wants a body like mine, so she does what someone told her I do, believing it will give her what she wants. I prove the secret wrong, her belief is shattered, and she gets upset.

I think what Ms. Fleming is getting at is the idea of portion control, which is, from what I can see, the biggest problem people have when it comes to eating in this country. So call it portion control. If you see me at a buffet, look at what I put on my plate. Macaroni and cheese, bread pudding, seafood salad, lasagna, and maybe a little salad with hard-boiled eggs and cheese. I take very small amounts of all of these. Everything fits on one 10-inch buffet plate with no stacking, and I don't go back for seconds. (I do, however, go back for dessert: a serving-spoonful of apple cobbler with a little vanilla ice cream.)

Do you see a trend in what I put on my plate? Lots of carbs, and as much protein as I can stand without gnawing on a cow. (I like meat, but don't eat much of it, so I find my protein in things like eggs and dairy.) Carbohydrates give you energy. If you have energy, you can be more active, and if you're active, you burn more calories and speed up your metabolism, which makes it easier for you to lose weight and be healthy. Protein feeds your brain, so not only are you more active, you're more focused, too.

These are not secrets. These are the results of a few Google searches, logic, and experience.

13 February 2008

Hello World

Here it is, the birth of another blog. Exciting, no?

When I joined a "thin chicks" group on one of my favorite forums, I didn't expect to have much to talk about. I'm thin, I'm happy with it, and I don't catch much flak about it. Talking with these other women opened my eyes to the anti-thin attitude in this country, though. Still, it wasn't until this morning, when I saw a book with a title that made me bristle, that I decided to create a place for some ranting.

So here I am. I just ate a whole box of mac-n-cheese, I'm fully clothed, and the scale says 130 pounds. I'm 5'5" tall. I wear size 6 pants, size 8 dresses (because I have broad shoulders), and size 38-nearly-A bras.

Welcome to my world.